What is Life??
It's a question that's really not easy to answer.
Joseph Campbell, an American mythologist, writer and lecturer, once said- Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer.
Different people define it differently..There is no single definition, quote or theory that can explain it completely. The meaning of life lies in how people perceive it. It can have different meaning to the same people at different times.
When asked about life I got different replies from different people comprising of all age group. Life is... Art, battle, family, happiness, education, love, religion, game, movie, freedom, friends, music, money and so on...
Life is a journey.
Each one has his or her own life-cycle, and this life-cycle is nothing but our daily situation, events, and experiences of life.
Life is experienced outside in the form of situation and events but it’s subtle impressions from inside.
As per me Life is a journey to learn, create, improve and move forward.
Due to the unpredictable nature, we have no control over how our story begins or ends. But it obviously has end so it's upon us to make the journey worthwhile...by Living....
Live life to the fullest...
It sounds so good....
Full of positivity....
but is it that simple???
Perfection is a jealous master that never allow you to think clearly. It restrains you from ideas and opportunities you want to pursue for yourself.
but is it that simple???
A middle class man who was happy in his life who had all luxuries and was enjoying his life in every way possible but when he saw his neighbor with a brand new car, throwing parties, getting attention in society, pictures of him traveling with bunch of friends and his kids attending top most school. The simple man made the other person an example of perfection and he started chasing his created idea of perfection, forgetting that he already was perfect in his own way.
We internally feel so good about the idea that we stop using our brains and start working towards the other persons created idea of perfection.
Some people make a lasting impression on us. They touch our lives, perhaps making us think or smile, often without even realizing it. What people forget is that Life is what we make of it.
Perfection is a jealous master that never allow you to think clearly. It restrains you from ideas and opportunities you want to pursue for yourself.
We humans, how hard we try, we get stuck in the pinwheel called expectations.
Having reasonable and healthy expectations of yourself are important for a healthy self-esteem and fulfilling life, they keeps you positive and you feel motivated, I guess without which life will be too dull.
Perfectionism is one such expectation, it is setting standards that are unattainable.
It's kind of obsession...a never ending search...i.e. Perfect job, perfect partner, perfect home, perfect kids, perfect life and as a result become increasingly frustrated when this does not pan out.
Setting standards is vital for progress but unrealistic expectations leads you to a new path called social comparison or competition between yourself and another person that ultimately leads to
Perfectionism is one such expectation, it is setting standards that are unattainable.
It's kind of obsession...a never ending search...i.e. Perfect job, perfect partner, perfect home, perfect kids, perfect life and as a result become increasingly frustrated when this does not pan out.
Setting standards is vital for progress but unrealistic expectations leads you to a new path called social comparison or competition between yourself and another person that ultimately leads to
👉Jealousy, a reaction to the threat of losing something you already possess.
👉Envy, a reaction to a something you think you lack.
And, the truth is you cannot be happy and envious at the same time.........
And, the truth is you cannot be happy and envious at the same time.........
Once you start down that road, you will never, ever find an end. There is an infinite number of categories upon which a person starts comparing clothes, cars, homes, paychecks, Twitter/ Google followers/ Facebook friends, accomplishments, personality traits, appearance, kids and their achievements and so on.......
Comparing with an Infinite number of people who are:
👉 Known, people whom we know "inside out". i.e. best friends, siblings, Cousins...
👉 Never actually known, people who are always at their "best behaviour" i.e. Relatives, Neighbours, Colleagues...
👉 Never met, but still known, people whose life journey is impressive. “appear” to be the perfect life, who "highlight" the best aspects of their life. i.e. some social media friend, role model or film celebrity...
👉People whom we dislike..eg. A person depressed just because his competitor won and got brand-new car.
If I ask a simple question:
What is YOUR definition of living life to the fullest?
What is YOUR definition of living life to the fullest?
I'll not be amazed to see the list of answers totally varying from one other...and why not...Every Individual is unique so why use a same scale to measure two entirely different Individuals?? If you take the strengths of others, and compare them to your weaknesses, how do you think this would make you feel... good???? Definitely not....
Every individual is unique so why not the idea of live life to the fullest be once own depending upon his unique:
- Personality,
- Situations,
- Attitude,
- Knowledge,
- Thoughts,
- Values,
- Perception,
- Challenges,
- Struggles,
- Choices and
- Experiences.
Ignoring all these aspects just for the sake of looking and living like someone else is one of the cruelest things one can ever do to oneself. life is far too valuable to be wasted on the life that everyone else is choosing.
As humans, it is in our nature to compare but nothing good ever comes from it.
As humans, it is in our nature to compare but nothing good ever comes from it.
We can control only one life and that's our own and when we consistently compare, we waste precious energy focusing on other peoples’ lives rather than our own. It steal the joy and happiness that is within our reach.
So what living life to the “fullest” looks like is up to us. It is a process that will take whole life to develop and a great life just doesn’t happen – it’s created.