Emotional + Fool

Today is 1st April, Fools Day, a special day for playing the light-hearted pranks with sole purpose to share a moment of laughter.

Sounds fun...Right!

But the pranks that aim happiness are needed to be performed with appropriate finesse. In planning a prank one must consider emotions because a minor mistake or wrong intention can create chaos, truly capable of leaving permanent mark on someones mind and heart.

YouTube has a full lot of such videos where pranks have failed miserably. One I'll like to share that comes to my mind is from the movie "A walk to remember", where the lead character and his friends play a prank on a boy who gets bedridden, well that a movie where in the end things turns out to be fine but real life is far different from reel life.

Today's blog post is not about pranks or fools day... But about those who Unintentionally makes a fool out of themselves by placing trust in wrong person. One who's transparent in expressing the emotions generally falls in this category.

Every time I was fooled by someone I trusted I cursed myself for being emotional. But soon I learnt my lessons...That there is a fine line between intelligence and foolishness.

Emotions are the feelings that are expressed through silence, words and body language. Everything we do -live, eat, pray, love, fight, dream involves emotions. Consider it as a blessing that we as a human beings have been bestowed with by Almighty God. Without which our soul would be an empty shell.

Emotions helps us to connect with people, things, situations and circumstances. Being emotional simply means that you process everything more deeply, that gives value to your life. It's a positive sign that you are actually living your life. You value people and things around you.

But In today's complicated world there are people who have one motive and that's fooling others by playing dirty.  Playing with someones emotions is like a sport to them that they do for fun or for their personal benefit. 

Easy prey to these kind of people are those who wear their heart on sleeves. Who are transparent in expressing their feeling and are generally tagged as emotional fools. (Oh! It hurts to be called one.)

Being emotional and expressive is not a disorder that needs treatment but surely it's a matter to be looked upon because what complicates the situation is when people around you try to control your feelings and modify them as per their requirements. 

As an old adage goes " Excess of anything is bad.". Same applies on emotions too. Expression is a sign of intelligence but overdoing is crossing the blurred line of control and moving towards a deep dark well of foolishness.

I'll like to make an honest confession that I wasn't good enough to judge people. I placed my trust in people too quick and later I juggled with my own judgements. But after I plummeted I realised that there were signs which I ignored. Well I learnt my lesson after falling and surely found a way to climb back the deep dark well.

When you fall, you get hurt and trust is like blood that you loose when wounded.

So I am going to share a simple trick to heal the wound and stop gushing blood.

Ever tried making lemonade??
Simple ingredients just water, lemon, sugar and salt...
But is it that simple???...
No...Not really because the perfection is not only in the ingredients but also the proportion.

Similar is the case with emotions. You need to Trust because you can't live without blood (trust) you simply need to find the perfect proportion by simple answering
* Whom to trust?
* How much to trust? and
* Why?

And the only person who could answer these is...YOU...because at the end it's only you who's the master of your life.

There are numerous options to get healed but finding the one that works best for you is possible only when know who you are from core. Every answer lies within you.

Having trust issues, learn to trust yourself first only then you'll be able to trust others completely...take time off and talk to yourself first before letting out a hand for help.

Emotions control your thinking, behaviour and actions. You cannot have complete control over them but you can surely channelise them....Dance, sing, pray, love, run, write, swim...Do what's suits you...What pleases you.. a little time spent in reflection will make you stronger and you'll face the truth which will give you the courage to conquer emotions....

Don't let others enjoy your foolishness.

 Be emotional but not a fool.

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