Forever Valentine.

Valentine's Day is a time when people show feelings of love and affection. But do you know Valentine Week is followed by Anti- Valentine week, for those who are single or heartbroken. It starts from the next day of Valentine day after romance and love is over......Over....?????

Well this is the word that I cannot get over with....Over....

Your kind of love.

What is love??

Well, I would simply say its complicated yet most beautiful emotion- a feeling of being alive.

Actually, its really a tricky one to answer even if you have experienced it because no one is ever satisfied with their own set of definition. People are still keen to explore its boundaries even if they know they have experienced it and relished it.

Christmas - A Journey.

Hey, Its Christmas already... 

The moment I hear someone say Ho-Ho-Ho my heart is filled with joy and face brightens up with a wide smile... Its a wonderful time to celebrate right before the year end.

This post is about lessons learnt from the journey of a great man's fictional character and understanding the true meaning of Christmas.

Be Mine.

Be Mine is a short read about how I agreed with these words seven years back. 

Small Wonders.

Sadness, Worry, Anger, Guilt, Jealousy, Helplessness, Disappointment, Frustration and Stress.

Yes you got it right.... All these are the negative emotions. everyone can relate to these emotions that's because we all face these in our daily life.


 "Fat to fit" and "Fat to fab" 

What are these???  

You'll say probably one more fat loss guide...
Oh!  I am sorry,  I have to disagree..

These... These are the two magical spells to all those people who desire to loose weight desperately...

9 to 9

Marriage traditions and customs differ greatly from culture to culture, but culture does not affect the feelings and sentiments attached to marriage. 

Time to celebrate.

Hey, Its Sunday.  Time to sit and relax...but I feel like I am forgetting something...Sunday in our house means laziness... Sitting in front of TV watching The Good dinosaur and reading newspaper..

A pamphlet fell that says...Dandiya night!

Oh wow!

Now I remember what I was forgetting.. its Navratri round the corner....

Happily Ever After.

Like every other girl/ woman, I too love the fairy tales, books and even movies that begin with “Once upon a time,” always ends with “and they lived happily ever after.”

Yes, I am somebody.

A short story. Its not about horse or donkey but about self evaluation. How we think ourselves worthless and inferior without actually knowing our real value.